Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Troll

Dear Troll,

I was willing to let it go, walk away and that be it. But every time I turn around you take a digg. You want to digg...then fine, but you should know that for all the crap you talk about 'blogging' and what I do here, you need to realize that you're doing it.

Yes, that's right YOU! You assume I spend my time talking about you when in, I don't. You come here and hide in the shadows, lurk just beyond the martini glass and drink in every word I put here. You report it to those around you and fuel your theory that I'm a bad person, I'm a b**ch, or whatever you choose to say about me that day. Yeah, I know when you visit here - I know how long you spend here and what you read.

I could go on but there's no need. You're a troll and will always do as trolls do...lurk behind the Internet. Have fun reading this and if you ever decide you want to say something TO me instead of ABOUT me, I'll be around.

Not afraid to speak my mind...

***This is intended not for the general population of lurkers out there, yeah you over there HI, if you have no idea what I'm talking about then its not you, but feel free to say say HI back...I don't bite! :)


Danyele Easterhaus said... are cracking me up today sister. do people not get that we can track who comes and goes from the blogs?

ok, you lurker person...leave my friend, kel alone!!! go away and find someone else to bother. nothing to see here. nothing to see!

tiarastantrums said...

Now really - what is going on?? Someone is saying bad things about you to other bloggers???

Anonymous said...

What the hell? What have you ever said that would cause a troll to say anything??

auntie said...

damn trolls...

Anonymous said...

i bet you feel so much better now. i know i would. lots of love to you!

Kori said...

So how does one track who is here? I have often wondered...and I liked this post-OUT the jerk!

Anonymous said...

Death to trolls! Don't let the haters get you down, sweetie--you do a phenomenal job and yours is one of the few blogs I read religiously...

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. Some people need to get a life!

Anonymous said...

If you'll remember, I had my own real life troll, who took what I said and twisted it around. It's so frustrating b/c you want to yell "THATS NOT WHAT I SAID" and at the same time you don't want to give them the time of day.


Jaysey said...

Trolls suck--one reason to be thankful for the private blog. ;-)

lola said...

GOOD LORDY!!! I don't check out your blogs for a few days and miss all this... how could there even be drama... you are blogging about your life... not anyone else's...