My brain is kind of sporadic today so I thought I borrow an idea from DysfunctionalMom. She refers to them as Friday Fragments - things that are too small for an entire post, but too good to discard. Can't say any of these are "too good to discard" but it's definitely where my mind is at today!
1. Crazy, rainy, gloomy weather has made for nice cool days to run, but not much else. (Not to mention my hair - had to just give up on fixing it...stuck in a bun for days now)
2. DQ has thrown me into a panic and had to visit the Principal at school. She investigate the issue with the social worker and they are now "keeping their eyes and ears open."
3. Friends are moving which means we are helping. Hopefully it won't rain.
4. Soccer season has officially started and DQ's first game is Saturday. (Hopefully we have uniforms)
5. I've been a slacker in the running department, but thanks to my ever-thoughtful-hub (who kicked me out of the house to make me start running again) I'm getting back into it. Now I am supposed to have a 20mi run this weekend, but am not sure where to fit it in my timeline of everything else I need to do.
What are YOUR mini-weekend thoughts? Anything good planned ahead?
**I'm starting to think I tweet too much...everything is in short bursts. Have a wonderful weekend**
I like the Fractinal Friday idea and have some things to post as well - hopefully this afternoon.
Let's see, this weekend we're going to Roda's bridal shower (my brother's fiance). It's right outside of Baton Rouge - area that doesn't have power restored. My grandmother has 3 generators that she's going to use for the shower for air conditioning! Those things are noisy and stink and are gas guzzlers but at least it will keep the house cool for the guests. Should be an experience!
Is she still talking about it, or did the boy bring it up again?!?
Man this is perfect for my fractional thinking -- which is mostly why since February I've been tweeting rather than blogging. But this is the mashup I needed (avoiding lame tweet recaps). Will be able to cover those over 130 thoughts.
(that's all I got--how's that for fragmented)
I think it is raining everywhere in the US this weekend. Hope it doesn't spoil everyone's weekend.
Have a great one.
Not doing anything exciting this weekend - working in the yard. Have a good weekend, Kel - good to see you today! Kellan
Sleeping til noon tomorrow...
Cousins are coming up later tomorrow...
Invest time with my family (we invest time, instead of spending it)...
We pretty much stay home anymore. I wanna be with my girl and she doesn't often feel well enough to get up and out...
J/ (
#2 sounds really scary!
Good fragments though.
The only thing i'm doing this weekend is shampooing my carpets. Clearly, I am a wild woman.
Did you run the 20 mile race???
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